Chair: Jungyong Wang
Liaison: Yordan Gorbatov

Concern for the environmental and operational loads from waves, wind, current, ice, slamming, sloshing, green water, weight distribution and any other operational factors. Consideration shall be given to deterministic and statistical load predictions based on model experiments, full-scale measurements and theoretical methods. Uncertainties in load estimations shall be highlighted. The committee is encouraged to cooperate with the corresponding ITTC committee.

Country Family Name First Name
Australia Marcollo Hayden
Brazil Fujarra Andre
Canada Sazidy Mahmud
Canada Wang Jungyong
Greece Hirdaris Spyros
France Diebold Louis
Germany Sprenger Florian
Greece Konispoliatis Dimitrios
Italy Coppola Tommaso
Italy Gaggero Tomaso
Japan Oka Masayoshi
Netherlands Wellens Peter
Norway Rodrigues Miguel
Portugal Abbasnia Arash
Republic of Korea Jeon Gi-Young
USA Mondoro Alysson